
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Theme Party of the Month: Fast and Furious Party

Start your engines for a Race Car party!
Race Car Invitations
To make your own invitations, use a photo of a race car from the internet and add wording like this:
Ladies and Gentlemen, Start Your Engines!
Race on over for Kyle’s 6th Birthday Party
Location: [your last name] Speedway at [address]
Join the Race Team by Calling: [your phone or email]

Here’s a list of decorating ideas. Choose the ones that will work for your family:
0 Attach two checkered racing flags to your mailbox or criss-crossed on your front door.
0 Set out all of your child’s Hot Wheels toys for the guests to play with as they arrived.
0 Make a large sign out of white paper saying "Welcome Race Fans" to hang on your door.
0 Use Hot Wheels cars and a toy racetrack as a table centerpiece.
0 Use chalk to draw a "Track" on the driveway and/or sidewalk leading up to your door.
0 Hang lots of checkered racing flags or a racing pennant streamer.
0 Hang posters of famous race car drivers.
0 Place bunches of balloons around the party area. For each group of 5-7 balloons, use one mylar car balloon with the cheaper latex black and white checkered flag balloons.
0 Hang a car pinata as a decoration, and it becomes an activity later during the party.
0 Make driver’s licenses for each child before the party on your computer. Buy lanyards at an office supply store so the children can wear them around their necks during the party. Hand them out as the children arrive, or set up a check-in station to kick-off the party activities.
0 Orange cones, if you can borrow some.
0 Background music like CARS-the movie soundtrack, or make your own with songs like On the Road Again, Little GTO, Born to Be Wild, etc.

Race Car Party Food
0 Make a sign that says “Pit Stop” for the food table.
0 Serve food like hot dogs, chips, and baked beans in new, clean oil pans, drip pans, large funnels. 0 Small chocolate donuts can be called tires.
0 Serve cupcakes with little checkered flags on them.
0 Make quick and easy "wheels" from any round cookie, by adding an M&M or junior mint in the center as the hubcap.
0 Good choices include a new Hot Wheels car, racing stickers, little race flags, and candy, of course!

Contact us to find out more about our Fast and Furious party packages.

Event Report: Cleo 50 Eligible Bachelor's Party 2011

In its 15th year in Malaysia, this annual event originated in Australia and is now held in five countries. Winners achieve celebrity status while past participants have gone on to be actors, models and successful businessmen.

The Most Eligible Bachelor roll call is studded with names of note: Amir Milsson (2010), Henry Golding (2009), Brian Lau (2008), Christian Neal Capes (2007), Awal Ashaari (2005), Mohd Jehan Miskin (2003) and Tony Eusoff (2003), Nazrudin Rahman (2000), now better known as Naz, Hiresh Haridass (2001), now better known as Reshmonu.

This year the Malaysian bash shifted to The Mist Club, Bangsar, and what made it extra special (besides the presence of the 50 hot bachelors) was that it had a Roaring 20's theme. Best Events transformed the club into a speakeasy with a ticketing booth, feather table centrepieces, gold streamers, hanging pearls, posters from that era and even lamp posts at the VIP entrance.

Ushers were dressed as Flapper girls complete with feather headpieces and pearl necklaces.

CLEO had many activities lined up starting with a comedy show for the VIP guests on the ground floor. At 8pm, the ground floor was open to the readers while the VIP guests were ushered upstairs where there was a screening of "The Great Gatsby" in a specially created Theatre. A Burlesque dance performance got the party started followed by the much awaited bachelor performances, games and the announcement of this year's winner- Josiah Mizukami!

Having a 1920's party soon? Props are available for rental to make your party complete!

Hostess Gift Ideas

A hostess usually puts her heart and soul into making her party enjoyable for all her guests. Here are some gift ideas to show her your appreciation:

Sweet Relief

Present your hostess with a set of luxurious toiletries to help soothe the anxiety and excitement that comes with planning a gathering. Here, a simple box lined with a cloth contains small indulgences such as scented bar soaps, bath salts, bath gel, lotion, candles, and tea bags.

A Good Morning

A healthy breakfast is often the last thing on your hostess's mind when she's planning a night of entertainment. Line a basket with vintage tea towels and fill it with everything they need to start the day off right -- coffee, tea, milk, sugar, orange juice, scones, butter, and marmalade. All they have to do is find the kettle and French press to recover from the festivities.

Jam Gift Package

This small, thoughtful gift is a good way to thank a hostess. Wrap two loaves of your favorite crusty bread (we like French baguettes) in a linen dish towel, and top with a jar of homemade jam. Tie them together with a colorful ribbon to match the towel, securing a wooden spreader in the knot of the bow.

Tea Sachets and Gift Box

Put a pretty, personalized spin on a gift of assorted teas. Make sachets to fill with a mix of favorite loose teas (or create custom blends from dried herbs and edible flowers, such as mint and hibiscus). Add tags, and place in a gift box.

Put a pretty, personalized spin on a gift of assorted teas. Make sachets to fill with a mix of favorite loose teas (or create custom blends from dried herbs and edible flowers, such as mint and hibiscus). Add tags, and place in a gift box.

Tools and Materials

Loose tea
Cheesecloth, cut into
8-inch squares
Cotton string
Craft punches in different shapes
Card stock, plain or patterned
Hole punch or screw punch
Gift box
Craft glue

Make the Tea Bags

1. Choose loose teas, and create desired blends. Place 2 tablespoons toward top edge of a cheesecloth square.

2. Roll up cheesecloth. Gather ends of bundle to create a pouch, and tie closed with cotton string. Repeat to create more tea bags.

3. Make a tag for each flavor using craft punches and card stock. Punch a hole in the center of each tag. Thread tea-bag strings through each tag, and knot.

Make the Gift Box

1. Cut 2 rectangles from card stock to fit inside top and bottom of gift box. Snip corners to create flaps. Glue bottom rectangle inside box.

2. Use craft punches and card stock to cut out more tags. Glue tags to top card-stock rectangle, and label. Glue to inside lid of box.

Lucky Plant Gift
Wish someone an auspicious new year with a jade plant, an easy-care succulent that's said to bring prosperity.

To wrap the pot, place it on a square sheet of decorative paper. Bring up two opposite corners, and secure to the pot with double-sided tape.
Fold the other two flaps as shown; tape. Tie gold cord around the pot

Machine-Embroidered Felt Coasters

You only need tiny bits of fabric and some colorful thread to make these machine-embroidered coasters, which make lovely hostess gifts.

-Martha Stewart

Hostess Do's and Definitely Don'ts

You have the menu, the strategy, the guest list -- the biggest variable left is your stress level, and stress has a funny way of making us morph into those beings (or other B-words) we don't want to be. Relax. Or you could just find yourself behaving like...

The Invisible Hostess

Having failed to start on time, or having decided to make complex, last-minute dishes, you're in the kitchen, alone, all night. Very bad. As is jumping up to start cleaning while your guests are still at the table eating dessert.

The Miserable Faultfinder

Do not tell everyone whats wrong with the food before they even pick up their spoons. "So no one thinks the soup's too salty?" Really, what can they say?

The Rueful Dreamer

You saw a great recipe for Thai-style noodles but couldn't get the lemongrass. You thought about tiramisu, but went with a trifle. Don't tell people what they could have been eating. Most guests will love spaghetti and meatballs, if you don't start raving about some lobster ravioli you saw on TV.

The Insufferable Uberchef

Speaking of lobster ravioli, if the dishes served are very exotic and the wines very fine, let the guests notice it themselves. No bombarding them with gourmet commentary.

The Bickersons

It's a challenge to have people over when you and your husband/boyfriend are in the midst of a squabble, but it happens. No matter what, avoid carping at each other and rehashing any long-running arguments.

-Martha Stewart

Event Looks Inspired by Residential Decor

Events are often viewed as a fanciful escape from everyday life, but many designers are suddenly taking inspiration from the home. Whether it’s an event held in a private residence or residence-turned-event space, or the use of overstuffed armchairs, area rugs, and other homey touches, residential-inspired decor is on the rise.

Much like the trend of upscale comfort food on catering menus, the effect is informal but luxurious. And some event marketers say it’s a subtle yet effective way to communicate a brand’s message. “The attendee experience at an event usually needs to have a long-term impact. By incorporating a brand or message into a lifestyle or experience, there is more potential for longevity or retention. When done elegantly and artfully, the guest leaves the event with an overall impression, while not feeling like it was forced or brand-heavy.
