Alright! So you see yourself as a budding chef and would like to prove it! Here's how:
You should present a three course menu – how you choose to do this is down to your creativity, and you may choose to spend more or less than the sum paid to you by the organisers.
The dinner parties will be for groups of four or six (or any higher multiple of two but not including yourself or your partner), so please state how many you are able to cater for. As a chef you are not required to provide wine and diners are asked to bring that themselves if they like.
Here's your chance to show off your culinary skills (and be ready for criticism!) while making new friends!
You should start by registering with on our website's contact page (www.bestevents-asia.com), and we will contact you to let you know what to do next. Once registered we will publish your menu and street location, but not your name. Please give yourself a pseudonym – whatever you like but no smut please!
Diners will select their chosen Open House Dining experience by menu, to help make sure you meet new people, not just your pals!
We are keen to ensure allergy awareness and safety for all hosts and guests, so please when submitting your registration, let us know if you have pets, whether you are likely to use nuts etc. We are particularly interested in hosts who wish to offer nut-free, wheat-free, kosher, halal, vegan or vegetarian menus… There are plenty of guests who will appreciate that. Also please state if you can offer disabled access to your home.
There is a one-off RM25 registration for all chefs and you will receive a contribution of RM25 per guest for the dinner.
Once we receive your registration form we’ll be in touch to wrestle your registration fee out of you and publish your dinner dates and menus. You may throw as many parties as you like, and you may vary the menus or create a different one each time. You mad fool.
All guests are subject to Terms & Conditions
Please include these details in the contact form message box:
Your name
Your email
Your special secret chef's name
Your phone number
Do you have pets
Do you have disabled access
Will you offer a specialist menu ie kosher, halal, vegan, nut free
Your 3 course menu (with short description)
What dates can you offer
How many guests will you have
Simple eh? Well, good luck then!
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